The article is a study of the problems of economic sustainability of agricultural enterprises based on a general analysis of the development trends of the industry as a whole, the components of the cost and revenue side of management, an analysis of the market situation and the influence of the main factors of the external environment on the possibilities of ensuring the economic sustainability of the enterprise. At the present stage, Ukrainian agricultural enterprises have found themselves in a rather difficult situation. Despite the fact that the demand for agricultural products from Ukraine in the world is quite high, agricultural enterprises themselves are constantly faced with problems that complicate the management process. The analysis of general trends in the industry and the analysis of theoretical approaches to the problems of ensuring the economic sustainability of agricultural enterprises allowed us to note that the characteristics of economic sustainability cannot be limited only to the calculation of economic indicators of the enterprise's activity. The characteristics of economic sustainability cannot be limited only to the calculation of economic indicators of the enterprise's activity, because it is influenced by quite a lot of external factors, thereby causing risks that can lead to unprofitability of the operation of the enterprise, which, based on economic calculations, should be economically sustainable. Analysis and assessment of the main components of the industry's competitiveness will give agricultural enterprises the opportunity not to be managed in the process of their activities, but to manage both suppliers and consumers themselves, as well as enter into alliances with their competitors to obtain a higher level of economic benefits. Constant monitoring of the state of the sales market will allow agricultural enterprises to review their strategies in the market and change them to obtain the most attractive economic indicators. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of mechanisms for applying the main tools for ensuring the economic sustainability of agricultural enterprises.
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