Global threats, national problems, and integration conditions of development have led to the transformation of the energy policy of Poland. In today’s world development, the country needs to prevent global climate change, change the structure of energy resources, carry out technical modernization, implement the basics of energy saving and energy efficiency, and comply with the common energy policy of the EU. All these aspects are taken into account by the Energy Policy of Poland until 2040, which contains the basics of energy policy, relevant goals and strategic projects, key elements and key targets for assessing the results of implementation. The purpose of this article is to study and analyze the features of the energy policy of Poland at the present stage of world development. The historical method, analytical method, basics of analysis and generalization were used in the research process. As a result of the study, it can be concluded about the systemic transformation of the energy policy of Poland. It is based on a fair transformation, a zero-emission energy system, as well as ensuring high air quality. A fair transformation involves the transformation of coal regions, the reduction of energy poverty, and the creation of new industries related to renewable energy and nuclear energy. The zero-emission energy system includes the development of alternative energy, nuclear energy, as well as the regional energy sector. Ensuring high air quality is based on the transformation of the thermal sector, electrification of transport and passive buildings. In accordance with the basics, special goals of energy policy have been formed: optimal use of own energy resources, development of electricity production and network infrastructure, diversification of supplies and expansion of network infrastructure of natural gas, crude oil, and liquid fuel, development of energy markets, the introduction of nuclear energy, development of renewable energy sources, heating and cogeneration, an increase of energy efficiency. Appropriate strategic projects have been developed for the practical implementation of the goals. For the overall assessment of the degree of policy implementation, the key elements and main targets of energy policy have been emphasized. Thus, the energy policy of Poland at the present stage is a holistic mechanism of energy development in response to global and national development trends. The practical value of this study is that its results can be used to improve the energy policies of different countries, such as Ukraine.
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