Keywords: automation, digitalization, logistics, transport, technology


The article highlights the importance of digitalization and automation in logistics. Modern technologies, including IoT, SCM systems, big data, and blockchain, are seen as key factors for enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. Global companies like DHL and Maersk have successfully integrated these technologies, improving operations such as route optimization, real-time tracking, and cargo transparency.A major issue addressed is the high cost of implementing new technologies, which can be a barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The need for skilled personnel and infrastructure upgrades is also identified as a challenge. While businesses require specialists to manage advanced technologies, such expertise may not be readily available, especially in smaller companies. The article recommends cost-effective solutions, such as cloud platforms, modular SaaS, and IoT, for SMEs. These technologies allow gradual implementation, starting with basic functions like inventory management or shipment tracking. This scalable approach offers a way for businesses to digitalize without significant capital expenditure. Cybersecurity concerns are also discussed, with the article stressing the importance of data protection as logistics processes become more interconnected. Data breaches could lead to serious financial and reputational damage. Examples of successful digital integration are provided, such as DHL’s Smart Logistics platform and Maersk’s TradeLens, which use automation and blockchain to streamline processes. Telemetry in transportation, as used by FedEx, and port automation, as seen in Shanghai, also demonstrate the benefits of these technologies. Despite the advantages, the article acknowledges the upfront investment required for automation, this includes purchasing new equipment, software, and training staff. Real-world examples illustrate the transformative impact of automation and digitalization. By adopting flexible and scalable approaches, investing in workforce development, and addressing cybersecurity concerns, businesses can overcome existing barriers and fully leverage the potential of digital transformation in logistics.


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How to Cite
Shtelmashuk, M. (2024). DIGITIZATION AND AUTOMATION OF LOGISTICS PROCESSES: CURRENT STATUS AND PROSPECTS. Economy and Society, (68). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-68-193