Keywords: post-industrial economy, financial economy, social economy, digital economy, information economy, socialization, financial management


The article explores the trends of post-industrialization in the modern economy on a theoretical level. A comparative analysis of the positions of leading scholars on the essence of the post-industrial economy has been conducted. The trends characteristic of the post-industrial stage of global economic development have been identified. The concepts associated with post-industrialization, including its positive and negative manifestations, have been characterized. It has been emphasized that the key trends include servicization, technologization, networkization, digitalization, informatization, and intellectualization. It is substantiated that these processes not only characterize the post-industrial economy but also constitute its intrinsic nature. The role of financial management in the modern global post-industrial economy has been determined. The phenomenon of the financial economy and its connections with processes characterizing post-industrialism has been described. The article notes that the financial economy is a kind of quintessence of post-industrialization. It is the financial management system that absorbs the most characteristic positive and negative features of post-industrialization in its functioning. The key features of the concept of «social economy» and the trends defining it have been outlined. The positions of contemporary scholars on the essence of the social economy have been explored. It has been established that there is currently no unified approach to understanding the process of forming a social economy; however, socialization is characterized in the context of addressing issues typical for humanity. Primarily, this refers to attempts to address the problem of economic inequality. It is argued that the financial aspect of the post-industrial economy coexists with the purely social aspect. The relationship between the social and financial components of the post-industrial economy has been defined. Finance and financial relations «permeate» all spheres of modern society. This applies to public finance, business finance, and household finance. Financial resources accumulated at various levels of the financial system are a prerequisite for the spread of socialization processes and one of the factors in building the social economy.


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How to Cite
Stetsenko, B., & Turolyev, G. (2024). SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL IN THE POST-INDUSTRIAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (68).