The purpose of the article is to study approaches to strategic planning of economic development of regions of Ukraine in instability conditions with the aim of its improvement based on modern tools and methods. The study is based on a systematic approach to the analysis of the economic development of the regions of Ukraine in conditions of instability. Comparative analysis methods were used to identify regional disparities and statistical analysis of data from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, which allowed assessing key economic trends. The results obtained are summarized taking into account adaptive and innovative approaches to planning. The article examines the specifics of approaches to strategic planning of economic development of regions of Ukraine in conditions of instability, which is a key aspect of ensuring the stable functioning of regional economic systems. It has been determined that the instability caused by the war and the associated economic crisis poses serious threats to the implementation of regional economic strategies, as well as negatively affecting the entire economic system of the country. The need to integrate strategic planning tools aimed at increasing the adaptability of regional economies, efficient use of resources and optimization of investment flows is proven. The current trends of regional economic development of Ukraine are considered, the main factors of instability are identified, which can be overcome using adaptive mechanisms of strategic planning. Regional disparities and the dynamics of changes in key sectors of the economy are studied. The need to develop strategic plans taking into account territorial features, resource potential and socio-economic characteristics of regions is determined. The features of the integration of regional economic strategies with national development programs based on quantitative analysis of investment indicators are discussed. The need to implement effective economic development strategies by activating cooperation between regions and using digital technologies to forecast and monitor the results of strategic planning is proven.
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