Keywords: social entrepreneurship, socially-oriented enterprise, social services, strategic management, development concept, state regulation mechanism


The article proves that the basis for determining the prospects of social entrepreneurship is the level of development and resources of the relevant regions, as well as the problems of regional development inequalities. It is noted that the concept of social entrepreneurship development should take into account both tactical and strategic perspectives, determine the goal, priorities and ideas for the development of regions. The key criteria that determine the role of social entrepreneurship in the business environment are considered, such as: providing jobs for people who are classified as socially vulnerable groups of the population; providing social services for socially vulnerable groups of the population; selling products at affordable prices. The economic development of regions is based on a number of important factors that determine their potential, such as: resource potential (land quality, natural conditions, infrastructure development), production potential, labor potential. The main groups of factors influencing the development of social entrepreneurship in the regional context are identified and characterized: state regional policy, economic relations in the region (in particular, market transformation), natural resource and production potential of the region, as well as organizational and managerial aspects. It is established that the formation of social entrepreneurship includes determining the main role of the state and its structuring by areas, types and sources of resources, principles, priorities, levels of management, methods. The mechanism of state regulation of socially-oriented enterprises is revealed, which includes: strategic level of state regulation of the development of socially-oriented enterprises; tactical level of state regulation of the development of socially-oriented enterprises; operational level of state regulation of the development of socially-oriented enterprises and contains the following elements: legal regulation, financial support, promotion of social partnership, monitoring and evaluation, information and educational support.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, T., Nicoluk, O., & Basuyrkina, N. (2024). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Economy and Society, (68).