Keywords: banks, banking system, banking regulation, banking security, financial system


Banking regulation is a key element of the modern financial system, because it ensures the stability of the banking sector, reduces the risks of financial crises and protects the interests of depositors. In the conditions of growing globalization, the development of banking services and technologies, as well as the growth of financial interdependence of states makes effective regulation of banking activity even more relevant and important. One of the main functions of banking regulation is to ensure the stability of the financial system. Banking institutions play a significant role in the economy, providing lending, investment and settlement operations. In the case of financial crises, disruptions in the banking system can lead to significant economic losses, as happened during the global financial crisis of 2008. That is why regulation aims to minimize systemic risks by controlling the level of capitalization of banks, their liquidity and asset quality. Another important aspect is protecting the interests of consumers and ensuring their trust in the banking system. Banking regulation sets standards for the provision of financial services, in particular, regarding transparency, limiting risky transactions and compliance with ethical standards. This allows you to avoid abuse and fraud, which can harm both individual customers and the reputation of the banking system as a whole. Depositors are also protected by means of deposit insurance mechanisms, which guarantee reimbursement of funds in case of bankruptcy of banking institutions. An important element of modern banking regulation is its adaptation to the challenges of digitalization. The development of fintech, online banking and cryptocurrencies opens up new opportunities, but also creates additional risks related to cyber security, money laundering and transaction opacity. Accordingly, regulators are developing new rules and supervisory tools to control the activities of financial institutions in the digital economy. Therefore, banking regulation in modern conditions is a necessary tool for ensuring stability, protecting the interests of consumers and adapting the financial system to new challenges. Effective regulation helps strengthen confidence in the banking system and support economic growth in the face of global change.


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How to Cite
Tymoshenko, M. (2024). BANKING REGULATION UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (68).