Keywords: graphic design, advertising, enterprise competitiveness management, marketing projects, foreign economic activity, agile marketing, EduSCRUM


The article focuses on the important issue of the interdisciplinary training of students majoring in marketing. The formation of competencies in the field of graphic design and advertising demands deeper understanding of the agile marketing processes of collaboration. The task is to prepare comprehensive courses that will be useful to future professionals both from the position of the graphic designer and the advertising manager. During the learning process the students will change the roles of designer and advertising manager. They will use specialized programs to complete the project design task and set the technical task for designers and monitors the consistency of advertising elements to manage competitiveness in international business environment. Each of the future marketers who will deal with the tasks of marketing research, strategic planning, advertising and development (validation) of advertising campaigns, must understand the whole chain of marketing processes. The concept of agile marketing helps to see the whole process, and find your own place for future marketing professionals. The Agile-marketing concept gives ample opportunities for marketing teams across the world, making interaction and collaboration easier. Designer and marketing manager communications are good examples of business process-related soft skills. The students majoring in marketing must be able to communicate with specialists, e. g. content managers, designers, copywriters, etc. Also, managerial skills are required – marketing projects time-management, project planning, organization, and control. During the learning process, students will acquire the necessary skills by performing tasks in pairs. The assessment of the performance is also supposed by teams, leaders, and the target audiences. This assessment algorithm provides objectivity, impartiality, and effectiveness of the learning process. The learning process adequacy will be provided by collaboration with the stakeholders, who may evaluate the learning process by project backlog, the results of teamwork in the social networks, and suggest the improvements for teams, students, or course managers.


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