One of the important aspects of the general perception and assessment of the organization is the impression that it produces, that is, its image (image). Regardless of the desires, both the organization itself and specialists in public relations, the image – an objective factor that plays a significant role in the assessment of any social phenomenon or process. The concept of "image" comes from the Latin Imago associated with the Latin word Imitari, which means "imitate". According to the intelligent Webster Sliver, the image is artificial imitation or the presentation of the external form of any object and, especially, faces. It is imaginary ideas about man, product or institute, purposefully formed in the mass consciousness using publicity, advertising or propaganda. Recently, due to the development of market relations, innovative developments in education, culture, economics, science, the specificity of the content and formation of the organization of the organization is of particular interest. Increased attention to the problem of forming the company's image is not accidental. A positive image has long been a prerequisite for the organization of business success in its field. The organization's image is a holistic perception of the organization by various groups of society, is formed on the basis of information that is printed in their memory of the various parties to the Company's activities. In conditions of increasing complication of social processes of modern society, the sphere of mass communication is expanding rapidly. Communication is realized in various areas and at different levels of social relations, but in any case its content is the exchange of information with the help of symbols and images. In the conditions of the establishment of the market receives competition and, accordingly, the importance of obtaining citizens of reliable information about the organization is increasing, that is, a change in socio-economic conditions requires an organization of self-presentation, in order to be recognizable, to work in the market, to engage in the organization of professional and competitive personnel. In these new conditions, each organization must have its image (positive, negative) in the minds of other market participants and the image formed in public consciousness A holistic perception of the organization by various social groups can be defined as an image of the organization. The relevance of the study of the problem of forming an organization's image is due to the place and role of the image in a complex system of social and managerial factors, which directly affect the social behavior of employees of the organization and designed to solve managerial tasks for the transformation of social objects.
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