Keywords: human potential, intellectual resources, creative resources, content of human potential, development


The article explores the concept of "human potential," its etymology, and its evolution across various scientific disciplines. The term "potential" is derived from the Latin potentialis, meaning the capacity or ability for development, signifying not just current abilities but future possibilities. "Human" in this context refers to the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional capacities of individuals, encompassing the full range of human potential, from creativity and social interaction to learning and work. The idea of human potential began to gain significant attention in the mid-20th century when economists and sociologists started to recognize humans as active agents in economic and social progress. Over time, the concept has evolved to cover not only the physical abilities of individuals but also their intellectual, cultural, spiritual, and social qualities, making it a crucial resource for societal development. The article also discusses several interpretations of human potential, including the perspectives of scholars like L. Beztelesna, who emphasizes the human potential as a combination of capabilities and qualities related to labor, and O. Amosha and V. Antonyuk, who focus on human potential as a key element of national wealth and societal progress. The paper outlines how human potential includes cognitive, physical, emotional, and social resources that can be mobilized for individual growth, organizational development, and social advancement. Furthermore, the article highlights different approaches to understanding human potential, including general theoretical, socio-economic, and sociological perspectives. According to the socio-economic approach, human potential is viewed not merely as a resource for economic activity but as a driving force for both personal and collective development. The paper also examines human potential in light of globalization and technological advancements, stressing the importance of constant self-improvement and adaptability. As the world continues to change, with rapid technological evolution and increased global connectivity, the ability to harness and enhance human potential becomes a fundamental factor for economic growth, social stability, and national prosperity. The development of human potential is thus not only an individual endeavor but also a societal and economic imperative, requiring systemic support and investments in education, innovation, and social welfare. Ultimately, human potential is presented as a multi-dimensional resource, encompassing intellectual, emotional, social, and creative abilities that contribute to both personal fulfillment and collective well-being. The article concludes that investing in human potential is essential for ensuring sustained progress, enhancing competitiveness, and fostering prosperity at both national and global levels.


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How to Cite
Duliaba, O., & Yurchyk, A. (2024). RESEARCH OF THE ESSENCE OF THE CONTENT OF HUMAN POTENTIAL. Economy and Society, (68).