Keywords: marketing analysis, marketing audit, marketing research, marketing control, management decisions


The article examines the essence and content of marketing analysis as a theoretical system and a component of the marketing complex of the enterprise. In the practical aspect, the management of enterprises, making management decisions requires a comprehensive and objective assessment of its activities, current status and existing problems. Marketing analysis in its essence and content is the "creator" of the information that is necessary for the management of the business unit in a constantly changing market. At the same time, the theory of marketing analysis is constantly evolving, the conceptual apparatus is systematically developed and requires further research. The literature represents different views on the essence of marketing analysis, but both theorists and practitioners emphasize that in the management of marketing activities, marketing analysis is an ascending and, therefore, determining element, in addition, by definition, marketing analysis is often identified with marketing research. In a theoretical sense, it is important to clearly define the subject and object of marketing analysis, its tasks and tools, subjects and all this in a systemic interdependence. Marketing analysis, its results and their use in the enterprise are subject to a number of methodological principles on which the procedure of marketing analysis is based, in the applied aspect, these principles are mandatory in the practice of marketers-analysts, who are able to systematically model and predict changes in market situations based on marketing analysis, develop proposals for effective strategic and operational decisions based on modern computer technology. The differences between marketing analysis and marketing research are analyzed, they are quite clearly traced in theoretical approaches, although not quite clearly manifested in practical aspects. When analyzing the nature and content of marketing analysis, it is also necessary to clearly distinguish the latter from marketing audit and marketing control on the criteria of the subject, object and tasks of these components of the marketing complex.


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