Keywords: organization stability, crisis management, adaptation, synergy, transition processes


The paper's purpose is to identify contradictions and prospects of the assessing method and stability formation periods of organizations for further research and improvement based on reviewing of the conditions use. To solve the tasks in the work were used the method of system approach, the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of structural analysis and design of systems, grouping, generalization. The formulation and solution of the scientific-applied problem of the analysis and revealing of contradictions of assessing method and stability formation periods of organizations function by E.M. Korotkov. The classification of the levels of transients and the mathematical model for calculating the coefficients of adaptation and synergy to determine the compliance of the level of transients in the organization are analyzed. The classification of the levels of transients and the mathematical model for calculating the coefficients of adaptation and synergy to determine the compliance of the level of transients in the organization are analyzed. Based on the graphical analysis, three contradictions were revealed. 1. The homeostatic level on the graph in the case of a turning point has the form of a point, and the transformation period – a line that can not reflect the period, characterize the state of the organization and give reliable results. It is proposed to introduce an interval that takes into account the deviation associated with various factors and the probabilistic nature of the assessment of socio-economic systems. 2. Inconsistency (coherence) of the model, which is associated with inconsistency and inadequacy of the breakdown of the area of indicators between homogeneous coefficients of adaptation and synergy. 3. In the graphical representation there are no "stable" (stable, quasi-stable) and "unstable" (quasi-transient) states and, accordingly, their coefficients of adaptation and synergy, and therefore half of the areas are not defined. The reliability and accuracy of the evaluation results by this method are questionable. The identified contradictions need further research and resolution, based on which the prospects for further research are formed. The developed approaches can be used to improve the procedure of crisis management and the formation of organizations' stability in any sector of the economy. The article may be of interest to senior managers and project managers.


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