Keywords: innovation, the concept of open innovation, innovative development, paradigm, sustainable development, digital transformation, digitalization


The article examines the content and features of the concept of open innovation as a modern paradigm of sustainable development. It is proposed to define the concept of open innovation as a systematic approach to innovative activity, which involves the active involvement of external knowledge, resources and partners for the development of new products, services or technologies. It was determined that the role of the concept of open innovation in sustainable development can be traced to the following key aspects: promotion of environmental sustainability; efficient use of resources; acceleration of the innovation process; risk reduction; creation of innovative ecosystems; overcoming social barriers; strengthening of regional development; support of scientific research and technical progress. The following organizational forms of implementing the concept of open innovation in the environment of modern enterprises are characterized: innovation hubs and co-working spaces; accelerators and incubators; joint development platforms (crowdsourcing); joint research centers; corporate venture funds; alliances and partnerships; open innovation platforms; crowdfunding platforms, etc. Rational organizational forms make it possible to establish partnerships with scientific institutions, startups, public organizations and even competitors, which can become a powerful source of innovation development. Enterprises using open innovation can adapt to changing market conditions and respond to society's needs more quickly. This concept also contributes to more efficient use of resources and reduction of negative impact on the environment. To achieve success, it is important to ensure the appropriate level of cyber security and protection of intellectual property. It is justified that in order to more actively introduce the concept of open innovation into the environment of modern enterprises, it is necessary to use a wide range of modern digital technologies, namely: cloud computing; blockchain; artificial intelligence; internet of things; augmented reality; big data; crowdsourcing platforms; cyber security technologies.


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