Keywords: small business, competitive advantages, business model, hybrid business models, forms of hybrid models in small business, stages of formation of a hybrid business model


The economic situation in Ukraine today is unstable. Geopolitical circumstances, frequent legislative changes, currency fluctuations, and changing consumer preferences require flexibility from domestic small businesses. Small businesses face fierce competition from both other small businesses and large corporations. In today's competitive and rapidly changing environment, the business models used by small businesses in Ukraine are of particular importance. As the foundation of any successful business, a well-thought-out and well-designed business model allows you to quickly adapt to new conditions and minimize risks, stand out in the market, create a unique value proposition and attract new customers, and significantly increase your chances of obtaining financing for business development. The article is devoted to the possibilities and prospects of using hybrid models by small businesses in Ukraine as a tool for increasing their competitiveness in the current market and in the near future. Its purpose is to examine the advantages of such models in the context of solving the urgent problems of domestic small business. The tasks of this article are solved by using a combination of general scientific and specific methods that allow to reflect various aspects of the importance of business models and hybrid business models in ensuring the success of companies' commercial activities and to assess the prospects of their use by small enterprises in Ukraine in the context of intensified domestic and international competition. The article highlights the role of small business in the Ukrainian economy in 2010-2023, the dynamics of its key performance indicators, and the current competitive position of domestic small businesses in the domestic and foreign markets. The article reveals the role of business models in achieving the desired economic results and forming competitive advantages, the essence and advantages of hybrid models of small business, and the key stages of forming an effective hybrid model of organizing the activities of a small enterprise. The practical significance of the article is to identify promising forms of hybrid business models for various areas of domestic small business.


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How to Cite
Lopashuk, I., Lopaschuk , V., & Rusinko, A. (2024). FORMATION OF HYBRID MODELS OF SMALL BUSINESS IN THE CONTEXT OF INCREASED COMPETITION. Economy and Society, (68).