Keywords: social capital, personnel stability, employee turnover, employment, trust, norms of behavior, social relationships


The article is devoted to the consideration of social capital as an important factor in ensuring staff stability. Staff turnover as a consequence of low level of social capital, which is especially evident in informal employment, is analyzed. The turnover of personnel by spheres of economic activity is analyzed. The world experience of valuing social capital, which is included as an indicator in the structure of the prosperity index, according to the Legatum Institute approach, is studied. A comparative analysis of social capital and staff stability (according to the report of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index) in Ukraine and developed countries. It is proposed to study social capital within the organization as a factor in staff retention. It is noted that the social policy on personnel retention in the country is important for personnel stability. Among the factors of personnel stability of the organization, social capital has a significant influence. This fact confirms the orientation of world organizations to study in the structure of indices of prosperity, competitiveness such indicators as interpersonal and institutional trust, individual and family relationships, social relationships, the level of civic and social participation, opportunities to form and retain talented and skilled employees. Low level of social capital is the reason for reduced staff motivation, increased stress, lack of trust and mutual assistance between team members, which generally increases staff turnover and undermines the personnel stability of the organization. According to the study, social capital and the level of staff retention are mutually influential factors, but it should be emphasized that the level of staff retention and accumulation of social capital depend on the social policy pursued in the country. Thus, socially oriented countries have greater achievements in providing social capital in society. Based on the study of the level of staff turnover and social capital, an attempt was made to prove its impact on personnel stability. It is also noted that social policy is important for personnel stability. For example, European countries are characterized by high levels of staff stability, and this is due to both the practice of accumulating social capital and social policy, which is conducted in the countries of Europe and which aims to maintain high social performance, one of which is staff stability.


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How to Cite
Serikova, O. (2021). SOCIAL CAPITAL AS A FACTOR OF PERSONNEL STABILITY. Economy and Society, (28).