The article the article is dedicated to the ongoing review of the effectiveness of financial resource management of the bank. The banking system accumulates a significant amount of funds from various entities, thus forming a pool of financial resources for banking activities. At the same time, banks constantly face the problem of effective management of these resources in conditions of uncertainty, which is currently caused in Ukraine, in addition to the usual factors (macroeconomic instability, regulatory policy of the National Bank of Ukraine, etc.), as well as a specific factor – the conduct of military operations and their consequences. Banking institutions form their resource base from various sources, namely from their own resources, borrowed and attracted, and the last source occupies a significant specific weight in the structure of the resource base and plays an important role in the banking activity of each of these institutions. It is noted that the active operations of the bank, its reliability, liquidity and profitability depend on a rationally constructed policy of attracting clients' funds and its proper implementation. Using the example of one of the systemically important banks – JSC KB «PrivatBank» – the article examines the dynamics of the main indicators of the efficiency of the use of its financial resources (return on assets and return on equity) in recent years; the structure and dynamics of sources of financial resources of the bank, as well as directions of their use in the composition of assets, were analyzed. As a result of the conducted analysis, it is shown that thanks to the stable structure of financial resources and their correct placement, JSC CB «PrivatBank» was able to maintain a high level of profitability even in difficult economic conditions of martial law. It was currently noted in the study that, significant attention should be paid to the introduction of the latest technologies based on digitalization, the offer of new banking products using remote service technologies, which would allow to better satisfy the needs of its customers. The role of effective management of the bank's capital structure and its assets in ensuring sufficiently high profitability indicators was noted. Effectiveness of the bank's financial resources management system is actually achieved by determining the rational ratio between the levels of liquidity, risk and profitability.
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