The article is devoted to the analysis of the development prospects of renewable energy in the context of global geopolitical changes. The study focuses on the evolving role of renewable energy sources in addressing global energy challenges, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and mitigating climate change. In particular, the article analyzes modern renewable energy production by sources worldwide, examining the significant growth of solar, wind, hydro, and bioenergy. The distribution and increase in renewable energy production are highlighted, showcasing how these sources are gradually becoming an integral part of the global energy mix. This shift underscores the growing recognition of renewable energy as a key element in the transition to a sustainable energy future. Additionally, the share of primary energy consumption derived from renewable sources across different regions was researched. This aspect illustrates regional variations in renewable energy adoption, with some regions making faster progress than others. The analysis shows that regions like Europe, China, and the United States are leading the transition, supported by strategic investments and the implementation of clean energy policies. The research also delves into the investments made in renewable energy in 2023, focusing on leading countries such as China, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and India. The significant financial contributions made by these nations reflect their commitment to accelerating the development of renewable energy technologies and enhancing energy security. Investments are crucial for the scaling of clean energy infrastructure, technological innovation, and fostering global sustainability efforts. Furthermore, the article examines global electricity production from renewable energy technologies, analyzing how solar and wind have become dominant contributors to the world’s electricity supply. The findings indicate that renewable energy sources are expected to continue expanding their share in electricity generation, with solar and wind leading the way. In conclusion, this article synthesizes a comprehensive view of the present and future state of renewable energy, focusing on key factors such as energy production, consumption, investment, and technology. The findings emphasize the critical role of renewable energy in shaping the global energy landscape, particularly in light of geopolitical instability and the urgent need to address climate change.
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