The article is devoted to the scientific-practical principles of analysis of the international competitiveness of beer products on the global market. The Ukrainian brewing industry has significant export production capacities and Ukrainian beer products are widely exported to international markets, which are unified in a single global beer market. Analysis of the international competitiveness of beer products is an essential component of ensuring this competitiveness and for determining the competitive position of a company’s beer products on the international market. To determine this competitive position, it is necessary to combine various scientific methods and approaches. In this research, methods such as ranking, structural analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, financial and economic analysis, marketing analysis were used to analyse the international competitiveness of company’s beer products on the global markets. It was concluded that the competitors of PrJSC “Obolon” occupy a significant share in the global beer market. Thus, the share of the Heineken company in the global beer market in 2023 was 12,9% (2nd place in the world) and the highest place in the world according to consumer estimates. This is due to the fact that during 2019-2023 Heineken's net income has been growing steadily, reaching €30,3 billion in 2023, which indicates the improvement of the company's financial stability. Operating profit in 2023 amounted to €4,4 billion with an operating margin of 14,7%, which emphasizes the efficiency of its operations. The consolidated volume of beer was 242,6 million hectoliters, and the volume of Heineken brand products was 56,3 million hectoliters, indicating stable demand for products. The products of PrJSC “Obolon” in 2023 had a share of 0,5% in the global beer market (top-40 companies according to this indicator) and in 2024 have an average world price of 5 USD per 750 ml (excl. taxes), which is slightly higher compared to competitors. In addition, Obolon has low popularity ratings – particularly Obolon “Oksamytove” at 216,058th, well below competitors such as “Heineken Lager Beer” (1,116th). Consumer ratings for Obolon range from 74/100 to 78/100, which is less competitive than “Heineken Premium Light Lager Beer” (88/100). Products of PrJSC “Obolon” are present in the US and EU markets, but Anadolu Efes and Carlsberg (global market shares in 2023 – 1,9% and 5,4%, respectively) have a wider geographic reach, including Iceland, Serbia, Switzerland, etc. The research findings can be used by food industry companies to improve the methodological framework of mechanisms for ensuring and enhancing the level of international competitiveness of their products on the global market.
Török Á., Szerletics Á., Jantyik, L. Factors influencing competitiveness in the global beer trade. 2020. Sustainability, Vol. 12. №15. DOI:
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Find the best price for wines, beers, and spirits. Wine-Searcher : website. URL: (дата звернення: 10.10.2024).
Obolon Corporation Enter World’s Top-40 Breweries. Corporation Obolon : website. URL: (дата звернення: 25.10.2024).
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Приватне акціонерне товариство "Оболонь". Фінансова звітність. Clarity Project : вебсайт. URL: (дата звернення: 13.11.2024).
Приватне акціонерне товариство "Оболонь". Opendatabot : вебсайт. URL: (дата звернення: 13.11.2024).
Global market share of the leading beer companies based on sales. Statista : website. URL: global-market-share-of-the-leading-beer-companies-based-on-sales (дата звернення: 25.10.2024).
Results, reports, webcasts & presentations. Heineken N.V. : website. URL: (дата звернення: 25.10.2024).
Carlsberg Group Annual Report 2023. Carlsberg Group : website. URL: carlsberg-group-2023-annual-report.pdf (дата звернення: 25.10.2024).
Annual Reports. Anadolu Efes : website. URL: (дата звернення: 25.10.2024).
Török Á., Szerletics Á., Jantyik L. (2020). Factors influencing competitiveness in the global beer trade. Sustainability, vol. 12, №15. DOI:
Pesti-Farkas I. (2020). Barriers to the Competitiveness of Beer Industry Suppliers in the Application of Industry 4.0 Solutions-Presentation of the Partial Results of an Empirical Research. Proceedings of FIKUSZ Symposium for Young Researchers (Hungary, Budapest, 2020). Óbuda University, pp. 335-342.
Hána D., Materna K., Hasman J. (2020). Winners and losers of the global beer market: European competition in the view of product life-cycle. Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 44, №6, pp. 1245-1270. DOI:
Zanotti C., Reyes F., Fernandez B. (2018). Relationship between competitiveness and operational and financial performance of firms: An exploratory study on the European brewing industry. Intangible capital, vol. 14, №1, pp. 1-17. DOI:
Madsen E. S. (2017). Branding and Performance in the Global Beer Market. Institut for Økonomi, Aarhus Universitet. № 2017-11. Available at: (accessed October 10, 2024).
Wine-Searcher. Find the best price for wines, beers, and spirits. Available at: (accessed October 10, 2024).
Corporation Obolon. Obolon Corporation Enter World’s Top-40 Breweries. Available at: (accessed October 25, 2024).
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Statista. Global market share of the leading beer companies based on sales. Available at: (accessed October 25, 2024).
Heineken N.V. Results, reports, webcasts & presentations. Available at: (accessed October 25, 2024).
Carlsberg Group. Carlsberg Group Annual Report 2023. Available at: (accessed October 25, 2024).
Anadolu Efes. Annual Reports. Available at: (accessed October 25, 2024).

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