Keywords: lubricants, motor oils, B2G segment, automotive industry, petroleum products


This article defines the main global trends in the market of lubricants. An analysis of the market of lubricants in Ukraine was carried out. The main trends in the development of the lubricants market have been determined. Foreign trade in lubricants was studied. The structure of the lubricants market by segments and products that are present on the Ukrainian market is given. It has been established that the main players in the market are companies producing motor oils, transmission oils and antifreezes. The dynamics of the consumption of lubricants on the market in the B2G segment have been determined. Installed that the lubricants market in Ukraine is characterized by high competition and low concentration. A significant trend contributing to the growth of the lubricants market is the growing demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly products. Consumers and industries are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious, prompting lubricant manufacturers to develop biodegradable and bio-based lubricants. The main consumers are the agricultural sector, the automotive industry, metallurgy and energy. The main expectations on the market of lubricants of Ukraine in the coming years are given. A PEST analysis was carried out. The market of lubricants in Ukraine has significant potential, modern Ukrainian manufacturers are not inferior to international companies and are aimed at increasing the share of the domestic market and entering foreign markets. It is important for Ukrainian manufacturers to produce lubricants taking into account the requirements of global automakers, providing increased protection and reliability of the electric motor, transmission, bearings in a wide temperature range, and guaranteeing increased resistance to oxidation, improved thermal conductivity and reduced energy loss in the transmission, as well as maximum compatibility with new copper and polymer materials. The main obstacles that hold back the development of the lubricants market have been identified.


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How to Cite
Pashechko, M. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE LUBRICANTS MARKET. Economy and Society, (68).