The article examines the key aspects of financial engineering in the process of managing working capital of an agricultural enterprise. Financial engineering in the process of managing working capital of an agricultural enterprise contributes to ensuring the stability of its activity, adaptation to changes in the external environment and increasing competitiveness in the market. Also, the main components and approaches to optimizing the structure of working capital of agricultural enterprises are summarized. The authors proposed and separated the main aspects of the financial engineering management mechanism in the management of current assets of agricultural producers. Optimizing stocks and logistics management within the framework of financial engineering in the management of current assets of an agricultural enterprise allows to minimize storage and transportation costs and ensure timely supply of resources. An analysis of the effect of price risk hedging on the activities of agricultural enterprises in the process of managing their current assets was carried out. It is also determined that the control and analysis of the implementation of financial engineering in the management of current assets are critical components for ensuring the efficiency of processes and achieving the financial goals of an agricultural enterprise. And such important tools as optimization of the structure of working capital, cash planning and budgeting, implementation of information technologies, optimization of stocks and logistics management, tax planning, credit instruments and factoring, control and analysis create prerequisites for effective management of current assets. At the same time, price risk hedging helps agricultural enterprises to ensure financial stability, reduce dependence on external price shocks and increase the efficiency of management of current assets, which contributes to their competitiveness and stability in the world market. Thus, an innovative approach to the management of current assets with the use of financial engineering is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of the modern market.
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