The purpose of this study is to analyze innovative technologies that can be utilized to maximize a company's value. This work employs a systematic approach, as well as methods of statistical and comparative analysis, using regulatory and scientific sources. It provides a classification of the primary innovative technologies that may contribute to the enhancement of a company's value. The study identifies how financial technologies enable improved value management through electronic payment systems, tools for automating financial accounting, alternative financing platforms, and risk management solutions. The research explores the role of cloud technologies in expanding and advancing business operations, offering flexibility and scalability essential for growth. It examines the applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in enhancing managerial decision-making processes. Moreover, the study investigates the impact of cybersecurity on reducing operational risks and increasing a company's attractiveness to investors. By ensuring data security and protecting sensitive financial information, companies can reduce the likelihood of breaches, build trust, and position themselves as reliable investments. The potential of Big Data analytics is highlighted, demonstrating its significant role in improving management efficiency and maximizing company value. Through accurate forecasting, optimization of business processes, and enhanced strategic planning, Big Data enables companies to better understand customer behavior, market trends, and operational patterns, which ultimately supports value growth. Additionally, the research examines corporate management systems, which help optimize financial processes by ensuring accurate tracking of revenues and expenses. These systems support well-informed investment decisions, contribute to increased liquidity, and provide a solid foundation for strategic planning. Real-time analytics is identified as a critical factor that allows for immediate risk identification, thereby reducing the likelihood of financial losses and increasing investor confidence. Lastly, the study analyzes the role of robotic process automation (RPA) in cost optimization. By automating repetitive tasks with error-free robotic processes, companies can significantly lower operational costs, increase profitability, and streamline workflow efficiency. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that a combination of innovative technologies, such as AI, ML, cloud solutions, cybersecurity, Big Data, real-time analytics, and RPA, can effectively support the financial management strategies necessary to maximize company value, enhance investor appeal, and ensure sustainable growth.
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