The deepening of the processes of globalization and European integration in the Ukrainian agricultural sector is conditioned by today's requirements, which actualizes the issue of determining priority directions for ensuring sustainable agricultural land use. The purpose of the article is to develop a scientific vision for determining the priority directions of European integration processes in the context of the implementation of European practices based on the analysis of the need for the consolidation of agricultural land, the implementation of innovative ways of development, taking into account the impact of war on the soil. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the fundamental theoretical provisions of domestic and foreign economic science on issues of agrarian land use, the Laws of Ukraine, the legislative framework of the EU. Research was carried out on the basis of the use of general scientific methods and techniques: logical and qualitative analysis and synthesis – when justifying the need for agricultural land consolidation; system-structural analysis – when analyzing the current state of relations regarding agrarian land use; comparative analysis – when determining the adaptive directions of European integration processes in agricultural land use. Implementation of priority areas of agricultural land use should be based on such approaches as: diagnostic-positional, regulatory, risk, program-targeted. In the process of synthesizing directions for adapting agricultural land use to EU requirements, methods of the theory of multi-link management systems were used. Solving this problem requires thorough study of European practices for sustainable agricultural land use. The possibilities of agrarian land use against the background of European integration processes are determined. A decomposition model for determining the European integration priorities of agrarian land use is proposed, which makes it possible to implement in objective existence, to determine the conditions of integration of agrarian land use, taking into account the increased sensitivity and vulnerability of agar production, to ensure sustainable development.
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