The article presents an analysis of the current processes of innovative development in European countries, with a particular focus on the financial support provided for research and development activities. The article demonstrates the significance of innovation for economic growth and prosperity at the national level, as well as its utility for individuals, businesses, and society at large. The role of the state in the formation and implementation of national innovation policies, with particular emphasis on financial support, is elucidated. The positions of world leaders in terms of investment in research and development are presented. The forms of state support for innovative development in Ukraine are considered, and the limited budgetary financing of innovations and low interest of enterprises in financing scientific and technical activities are emphasised. The role of the principal groups involved in the innovation process is demonstrated, namely the state, universities and research institutions, businesses and civil society. The European experience of financing research projects and their function in enhancing the competitiveness of European businesses and addressing the most significant social issues and global challenges related to healthcare, climate change, energy sustainability and sustainable development goals is examined. An analysis of the EU member states' expenditures on research and development by country and individual sectors of the economy is carried out. The Global Innovation Index, which represents the latest global innovation trends, is used to rank countries. The position of Ukraine and trends in changes in its individual components are also shown. It is highlighted that Europe has the largest number of innovative leaders, each of which exhibits distinctive advantages according to specific criteria. An econometric study was conducted to examine the relationship between the number of patent applications filed by OECD countries and their respective allocations from state budgets for research and development. The findings revealed a positive correlation between increased budgetary allocations for research and development and the growth in the number of patent applications filed by the selected countries. The authors emphasise the significance of examining and adapting the European experience of financing research projects for application in Ukraine.
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