Keywords: digital security, system, enterprise, methodological support, legal support, resource support


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of the digital security system of enterprises. In the modern digital environment, the formation of a digital security system at an enterprise is a critically important process that ensures the protection of information assets from various threats. The main subjects of this system are employees, IT specialists and the management of the enterprise, who play a key role in the implementation of security policies. The objects of the system are information assets, technological infrastructure and business processes that need protection. Methodological support of the system includes the development of strategies, policies and procedures that regulate risk management, detection of threats and response to incidents. As part of the methodological support, basic principles such as integrity, confidentiality and availability are highlighted, as well as specific methods, including encryption, authentication and access control. System functions include risk management, staff training, incident response and monitoring. Legal protection provides for compliance with legislation and standards in the field of data protection. Resource provisioning includes the technical means, software and human resources required to implement security policies. The strategic importance of the system lies in increasing the trust of customers and partners, which contributes to business development. The tactical importance of a digital security system is the ability to quickly respond to threats, which helps to avoid financial losses and ensure the continuity of business processes. Therefore, the formation of a digital security system is the basis for the stable functioning of the enterprise, ensuring its successful adaptation to new challenges in the dynamic digital world. This system is not only a means of protection, but also an important strategic tool that determines the success of the enterprise in conditions of constant changes.


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How to Cite
Obramych, O. (2024). FEATURES OF FORMING DIGITAL SECURITY AT THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (68). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-68-20