The article examines the primary aspects of applying benchmarking as a tool for crisis management for Ukrainian enterprises, taking into account the specific challenges of today’s environment. It aims to deepen understanding of benchmarking's potential as a tool to overcome crises, helping businesses identify improvement opportunities and strengthen their competitive positions. Benchmarking is becoming an essential management tool in an era of global change and instability. Based on an analysis of contemporary examples of international benchmarking practices in specific economic sectors, we have identified key aspects of benchmarking application for Ukrainian enterprises. These include a focus on optimizing operational processes, aligning with international standards, strengthening positions in the domestic market, concentrating on crisis management, and fostering innovation. Benchmarking’s specificity in domestic enterprises lies in its emphasis on operational efficiency, adapting international experiences, and applying crisis management strategies. These aspects enable Ukrainian companies to better withstand challenges and maintain competitiveness in complex economic conditions. We have also analyzed the main challenges and limitations enterprises face when implementing benchmarking in Ukraine. These challenges include an underdeveloped market and limited access to reliable data, high levels of bureaucracy and regulatory instability, financial constraints and insufficient investment, cultural and organizational barriers, and workforce preparation and competency issues. Our recommendations for successful benchmarking implementation in current crisis conditions for Ukrainian enterprises include focusing on operational indicators and crisis-related metrics, integrating best international practices, using digital analytical tools, establishing strategic partnerships with competitors, investing in workforce development, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and ensuring transparency, and conducting regular change monitoring. Implementing these recommendations will allow Ukrainian businesses to use benchmarking effectively as a tool to build resilience and enhance adaptability in times of crisis.
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