The article examines the important problem of providing and organizational foundations of bank lending to agricultural enterprises in Ukraine, which is critically important for the stability of the agricultural sector, which is the basis of the country's economy. The study is based on the analysis of factors affecting crediting of farmers, including features of agricultural production, seasonality of income and risks associated with natural and climatic conditions. The authors of the article provide statistical data on the volume of lending in the agricultural sector, pointing to insufficient financial support from banks and the need for state intervention through agricultural lending support programs. Special attention is paid to the analysis of risks faced by banks when lending to agricultural enterprises, such as financial, market and management risks. A comprehensive approach to managing these risks through the introduction of new risk management tools is proposed. The article also discusses innovative financial instruments, such as agricultural receipts, digital platforms for obtaining loans, as well as the implementation of financial technologies (FinTech), which can contribute to increasing the availability of credit resources for small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. The need to improve state agricultural credit support programs aimed at reducing credit risks and providing farmers with access to financing is emphasized. In addition, the article offers recommendations for improving the financial literacy of farmers, developing cooperatives, and creating conditions for more effective use of state subsidies and programs. The research findings emphasize the importance of the integration of state policy, innovative approaches and active cooperation between banks and farmers to ensure the sustainable development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. It was concluded that an important component of successful crediting is state support for farmers. It is indicated that the programs of subsidy, insurance and support of agricultural credit help to reduce the financial burden on farmers and increase their ability to fulfill credit obligations. It is emphasized that the use of financial innovations, such as digital platforms, supply chain financing and blockchain technology, can significantly increase the efficiency of lending to agricultural enterprises, making the processes more transparent, accessible and adaptable to the needs of farmers. Increasing financial literacy among farmers and supporting cooperatives can significantly strengthen their position in the credit process.
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