Keywords: budgeting, budget process, budget, budgeting for enterprises, corporate budgeting, budget system


The article conducted an investigation of the main features of the organization of the budgeting process at domestic enterprises. The advantages and shortcomings of the budgeting system have been highlighted, and key objectives have been identified that can be implemented in order to ensure optimal organization of the budgeting process. The main importance of the term “budgeting” has been identified as a key and effective element of management of enterprise activities. The main principles of the budgeting system have been identified and systematized, which guarantee a high level of efficiency in the budgeting process of national government entities, such as: the principle of similarity of goals; principle of repetition; principle of coordination; principle of centralization; the principle of specialization of budgets; principle of periodic budgeting; principle of insight; the principle of accuracy and the principle of decomposition. The basis of the organization of the budget process of the subject of enterprise activity from the position of this goal is reviewed, with the aim of defining the main stages of generating the budget of the subject of state government, the need for consistent implementation is identified no control over the process of achieving budget targets. Recognizes the relevance of implementing the budgetary process by national enterprises as a key method of obtaining the necessary information through the adoption of rational and effective management decisions from a standpoint stagnation of financial resources. The strengths and weaknesses of the budget process are analyzed. The characteristic features of the budgetary process of the government entity as an instrument of financial planning and operational management of the activities of the government entity have been identified. An analysis of the ways to increase the level of efficiency of the budgeting system in the financial planning of business processes of the subject of state government has been carried out, and the directions and prospects for the development of the budget process of budgeting of national enterprises have been christened Capacity It has been established that the budgeting process can increase the efficiency of government activities and stimulate personnel to implement budgets, as well as financial planning and forecasting of possible risks.


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