Keywords: urban public transport, rolling stock, transport infrastructure, transport work, passenger transport, regulatory framework, National Transport, Strategy of Ukraine


The article, which is analytical in nature, examines the directions and prospects for the further development of our country's transportation sector, with a focus on urban public transport in light of the program document "National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the Period until 2030." The article outlines the main issues related to overcoming the unprofitability of industry enterprises, finding sources of financing, mechanisms for renewing the vehicle fleet and infrastructure, improving enterprise and sector management methods, ensuring equal competition conditions for all transportation process participants, enhancing the regulatory framework, and establishing economically feasible tariffs, while remembering that urban transport is, above all, social transport. The article also highlights solutions to these problems. The document emphasizes the chronic underfunding of the sector, the critical state of the vehicle fleet and transportation infrastructure, the unsatisfactory level of industry specialist education, and the imperfect tariff policy in transportation, among other issues. Using conclusions from research by economists who became Nobel laureates in 2024, it is demonstrated that political institutions influence the economic development of both the state as a whole and specific economic sectors. Therefore, the implementation of the provisions of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine should positively impact not only the transport sector but the entire Ukrainian economy. The research results will assist all interested parties in the passenger transportation process – the state, carrier enterprises regardless of ownership, and passengers – in reaching consensus, overcoming disagreements, and ultimately making urban public transport the best in Europe and the world: comfortable, reliable, and safe. However, we believe that only by relying on advanced economic science can the sector's crisis state be overcome, enabling municipal transport enterprises to achieve break-even operations and, eventually, profit.


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