Keywords: quality management system, quality management, tourism enterprise, competitiveness


The article has analyzed the theoretical and methodological and practical aspects of implementation and operation of a quality management system at the travel company in compliance with the international standard ISO 9001. We have carried out a brief insight into the genesis of the quality management theory and identified that more developed, competitive economic systems are peculiar to the countries where business entities have long-standing traditions in accordance with the requirements of the ISO standard, in contrast to those whose companies (organizations) are just beginning to move by means of introducing the TQM system. We have substantiated the advantages received by the companies (organizations) resulted from the operation of the quality management and established the necessity of its implementation. Attention is drawn to the problems of certification audit, as a result of which certificate of conformity to the requirements of ISO 9001 may be issued to the company. It has been indicated that the ISO 9001 standard does not exist directly for the tourism industry as such. Therefore, if the travel company is under certification audit, in this case the principles of ISO 9001 standard, common to all, shall be applied, except for certain items, which shall be analyzed very thoroughly, while some others, on the contrary, shall be omitted. It has been stated that certification of conformity to ISO 9001 is not mandatory for the travel company, but desired, because it certifies the high quality of the quality management system, which directly affects the quality of services provided, determines the competitive ability of the company in the industry sector market and ensures to some extent the prospects of its sustainable development for the near future. Besides, available certificate does not mean that the company has reached a certain level and can stop at the achieved results: in order to remain in high demand among consumers, the travel company must constantly work over the improvement of the quality of services. Therefore, the certificate of conformity to the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001 for tourism is a sign of quality that must be confirmed on a regular basis.


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Chorna, N. (2021). QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AS A TOOL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF TRAVEL COMPANY MANAGEMENT . Economy and Society, (28). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-28-14