The article examines theoretical approaches to defining the concept of "financial security of hromadas". The article identifies the components of this security, namely, budgetary, tax, debt, investment and social security, as well as, given the intensification of digitalisation processes, financial security of the information space of hromadas. The authors propose their own definition of the mechanism for ensuring the financial security of hromadas as a set of subsystems, methods, approaches, and instruments that serve as the basis for developing an independent financial policy at the level of hromadas aimed at protecting against various threats and risks and ensuring their financial autonomy. It is noted that the main purpose of such a mechanism is to ensure the functioning of hromadas in the conditions of war and their further restoration and development in the post-war period. The paper identifies the internal and external factors that affect the financial security of hromadas in modern conditions. The study builds a structural model of the mechanism for ensuring the financial security of hromadas. The authors examine the issues, distinctive characteristics and potential for growth of the constituent subsystems of this mechanism. These include the mechanism of compensation for damages caused by Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, the mechanism of restoration of hromadas, the mechanism of securing communal property rights, the mechanism of ensuring social protection of hromadas' residents, and the mechanism of financing cybersecurity measures. The paper emphasises the need to change the paradigm of ensuring the financial security of hromadas by shifting the focus to rapid response and building an effective system for preventing and combating the threats of cyber attacks, increasing the number of cyber incidents and diversifying cyber risks. The research findings lend support to the notion that contemporary digital tools can be effectively employed in this context. It is observed that the development of a collaborative relationship between state and local executive authorities, local self-government, and investors is essential to ensure the financial security of hromadas in both wartime and post-war periods.
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