Keywords: international tourism, tourist resources, touroperators, travel agents, tourist product, tourist destination, means of tourist accommodation


The tourism industry and socio-cultural services are now successfully and rapidly developing worldwide. The growth rate of the main economic indicators of the development of tourism enterprises is comparatively high despite the current objective travel barriers. These trends are also typical for Ukraine. The country has all the natural and economic prerequisitesto develop tourism, primarily its domestic and inbound types. The availability of natural, recreational, historical, cultural, social and labour resources make for powerful tourism potential. Therefore, the study of economic issues of the tourism development, directions of tourist flows, and the capability of existingtourism enterprises to meet the needs of domestic and foreign tourists is an important area of research. Meanwhile, to assess the tourist potential of Ukraine, it is crucialto determine its position on the global market. The article reviews current research in global tourism and the ways to develop the domestic tourism industry. The results of research in several aspects of the tourist sector of Ukraine are presented. The definition of a tourist destination as an object of study isgiven, the objective need to review the tourist potential of the country is identified and the main tourist resources of Ukraine such as natural and climatic, historical, cultural and socio-economicare considered. The dynamics of the main indicators of the tourist industry in the country for the last several years are characterized. The most noticeable changesinclude the number of tourism entities, the production cost of tourist products, the number and cost of tourist vouchers sold by tour operators and travel agents, the number of tourists on tourist vouchers, the number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents, and the occupancy and capacity of tourist accommodation. The dynamics and structure of the tourist flows served by domestic tour operators and travel agents depending on the purpose of travel are analysed. The article proposes directions and specific measures for the development of the domestic tourism industry, taking into account the natural, economic, historical and cultural potential of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Krasnoded, T., & Popova, T. (2021). POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM. Economy and Society, (28). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-28-8