The article is devoted to the reliability of forward-looking information provided in corporate reports of companies. One of the key structural elements of corporate (integrated) reporting defined by the International Integrated Reporting Framework is information on future prospects, i.e. the integrated report should answer the question of what difficulties and uncertainties the company may face in implementing its strategy, as well as what are the potential consequences of its business model and future activities. The disclosure of corporate reports by companies may raise doubts about the truthfulness of the declared intentions and the correctness of the information provided, including forecast information. This applies to both financial and non-financial information. Given that the report is used primarily by the stakeholder groups, the facts, statements and judgments contained in the report will be analyzed in the context of the information available to these groups. Factual verification is becoming an important factor given the speed of information dissemination and the associated reputational risks. The purpose of verifying the company's report is to check the reliability of quantitative and qualitative data and compliance with the expectations of influential groups. It should be noted that not only the indicators provided in the report need to be verified, but also the system of their collection and compilation. At the same time, verification helps not only to confirm the accuracy of the information but also to obtain information on possible ways to improve the company's social responsibility management system. To date, methods have been developed for auditing forward-looking information at the specific request of stakeholders. Time and practice will tell whether they will be applied in the audit of integrated reporting in terms of forward-looking information. The recent approval of the Strategy for the Implementation of Sustainability Reporting for Enterprises in Ukraine is aimed at, among other things, developing procedures for auditing the sustainability reporting of enterprises and an effective mechanism for quality control of such audit services
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