Keywords: forecasting, scenario, city development, information economy, innovations


Information economy in terms of integration processes is one of the key directions of development of national economies. Among the main factors that contribute to its active development, it is advisable to highlight such as the globalization of the world economy, the integration of international capital markets, the innovativeness of production processes, the growth of competition between countries for markets, the introduction of digital technologies, the geometric development of business on the Internet. Knowledge and information play an important role in the development of cities, especially under martial law, namely, it contributes to the growth of the economy and the restoration of the quality of life of the population. The effective use of knowledge and information becomes a key factor in the development of cities, contributing to the formation of a modern urban environment focused on innovation, sustainable development and improving the quality of life of citizens. Forecasting and scenario development of cities acts as a strategic tool for planning the future of urban areas. It allows you to take into account various factors affecting the development of cities, and create scenarios that help city authorities make informed decisions. Forecasting and scenario development of cities are interrelated approaches that allow you to build strategies for the development of urban areas, taking into account various economic, social and technological factors. Forecasting the development of cities involves the analysis of current trends and is the basis for the development of long-term plans based on the data obtained. With the help of forecasting, it is possible to estimate the future needs of the city in infrastructure, social services, energy resources and investments. The link between forecasting and city development scenarios is that forecasting provides a basis for scenarios, allowing for more realistic and informed development options. Forecasting and scenario-building together provide a strategy for sustainable development that allows cities to prepare for the future more effectively, while maintaining flexibility and readiness for the various challenges of the information environment.


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