Keywords: migration, migrants, labour migrants, assimilation, integration, tool, process


The article discusses the main aspects of assimilation of labour migrants and tools for their support. An analysis of labour migration in the world is carried out. In the period from 1960 to 2020, there was a significant increase in the number of international migrants, which maintains a certain trend. The factors that have a significant impact on the sustainability of the current dynamics are identified: economic, political and social. With regard to the dynamics of the number of labour migrants and the share of labour migrants in the total number of migrants of working age, these indicators are increasing, while the number of working age migrants is decreasing. The reasons for this are noted, including the following: population ageing, changes in demand for different categories of workers, changes in social and immigration policies. Approaches to the definition of the concept of ‘assimilation’ by domestic and foreign scholars and its features are highlighted. Domestic scholars mainly consider its essence in the context of sociology, ethnology and cultural studies as a process of integration; foreign scholars – as a process of integration with full or partial loss of certain national characteristics. The article considers the components of assimilation, and the tools for assimilation of labour migrants in accordance with them are defined, in particular cultural or behavioural assimilation includes language courses and cultural programmes, social adaptation courses; structural assimilation – access to the labour market, educational programmes for children and adults; marital assimilation – cultural and social events, information campaigns and support for intercultural families; Identity assimilation – civic education courses, mentoring programmes with local residents, naturalisation ceremonies; social assimilation – social programmes and assistance, language courses and cultural education, labour market integration, support for intercultural exchanges; assimilation dependent on the attitudes of the host society and assimilation dependent on the behaviour of the host society.


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How to Cite
Zaichenko, K. (2024). ASSIMILATION OF LABOR MIGRANTS AND TOOLS FOR THEIR SUPPORT. Economy and Society, (67).