The article explores the main problematic issues that arise in the process of implementing the government employment regulation policy in the globalization context. The labor market is undergoing significant changes due to technological innovations, automation, and digitalization, creating new challenges for governments and policymakers. The primary focus is on evaluating the effectiveness of existing employment regulation programs, particularly retraining initiatives, to determine their responsiveness to the evolving labor market demands. The study seeks to understand whether these programs effectively assist individuals in finding new employment after job loss and if they address the needs of the economy and the emerging job market. The research examines the social aspects of employment, identifying the most vulnerable population groups affected by globalization. Understanding the challenges faced by these groups is crucial, as it allows for the identification of support programs that can help them adapt to labor market changes. The study also aims to uncover why youth and highly skilled professionals tend to have more opportunities in the job market compared to other demographics. The research will delve into the collaboration between government entities, businesses, and educational institutions. This cooperation can significantly contribute to the development of effective employment policies. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding how to organize this interaction to maximize its effectiveness and efficiency. By analyzing best practices from other countries, the study aims to provide insights into successful collaboration models. The impact of international agreements on employment will be assessed. As globalization alters the rules of engagement, it is imperative for states to consider their international commitments and how these agreements affect local labor markets. This investigation aims to identify potential risks and advantages for national economies arising from international employment frameworks. The article also highlights the environmental aspects of employment, recognizing the need for modern policies to account for both economic and ecological factors. By exploring the relationship between sustainable development and employment, the study aims to find ways to create new jobs in “green” sectors of the economy. Based on the findings, practical proposals will be formulated for governments, which may include new support programs, adjustments to existing initiatives, or legislative changes. Engaging the public in the employment regulation process is crucial, allowing citizens to voice their opinions and ensuring that policies are inclusive and responsive to the needs of diverse population segments. Overall, the study seeks to provide a comprehensive framework for improving government employment regulation in the face of globalization.
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