The article is devoted to exploring the issue of creating clusters of agricultural enterprises in order to ensure economic security. Sustainable development and competitiveness of agriculture enable food security - one of the most important components of both economic and national security of the country. A cluster consisting of resource-dependent enterprises that are located near a natural resource deposit is one example of the existence of an agricultural enterprise. In the context of an agricultural enterprise, sowing fields and granaries would be mentioned. One of the main issues that arise while creating clusters is the question of the mutual placement of its objects. Most of these tasks, solved in practice, correspond to a situation where the number of objects is discrete. However, in practice, situations where the number of objects is too large often take place, and it is better to use a continuous model instead of a discrete one. The paper proposes a new model and method of solving problems of clustering of agricultural enterprises in order to increase competitiveness and thus ensure their economic security. The principle of functioning of an agricultural enterprise on the example of a two-stage system is considered. The results of using the proposed model and method on the example of the problem of clustering the initial area of wheat sowing into raw material collection areas are presented. The obtained zoning of the initial area and the corresponding connections between the granary and enterprises (consumers) are introduced. It is pointed out that in numerous experiments it can be concluded that this method of solving the problem gives a more cost-effective solution, in terms of transport costs, compared with the two-stage method of solving the problem, which first finds a service area, and then solves transport task. It is concluded that the creation of clusters facilitates to increase the competitiveness of production, reduce costs, and thus strengthen the economic security of enterprises that are part of the cluster. In general, such activities contribute to socio-economic development and increase the competitiveness of the national economy.
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