Given the development of mobile technologies, the article is devoted to topical issues of changes in interactions between businesses and customers. The interest in studying this topic arose due to consumers’ and marketing professionals’ ambiguous attitudes toward mobile marketing. The ambiguity of attitudes towards the means and tools of digital interaction between consumers and providers of goods and services is also a motivating factor. The article analyses and systematises the main facts revealed in updating marketing strategies about an individually oriented approach that can be created based on the analysis of mobile consumer communications. Consumers’ reaction to the creation and application of new mobile marketing methods and personalised communications using individual data provided voluntarily by the consumer is studied. Innovative approaches to using psychological features of consumer behaviour for forming individual marketing strategies are proposed. According to the results of the study, in which customers of three companies participated, each of which has a rating of more than 50% according to Google Trends, it was found that for 73% of customers, the information presented in mobile applications is convenient, for 71% of respondents mobile marketing tools influence consumer choice, 69% of respondents study the information presented in the means of digital interaction before making decisions on major purchases. However, when examining the density of the digital stream, it was found that for only 38% of respondents, the amount of marketing information received was satisfactory, suggesting a need to rethink the approach to information density. Most respondents (92%) noted the objective perspective of mobile marketing, indicating the need to analyse its impact on customer interaction systematically. Based on the study’s results, it was suggested that when forming the following concepts of mobile applications, customers should be allowed to choose the appearance of the interface and the priorities in the information provided to each customer.
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Pascalau, S. V. (2020). Entrepreneurial marketing from the perspective of strategic innovation. Agora International Journal of Economical Sciences, 12. DOI:
Nazarova, H., et al. (2022). Theoretical and methodological aspects of improving the functioning of the accounting system. Revista Amazonia Investiga, 11(54), 243–255. DOI:
Sahaidak, M., et al. (2020). Comprehensive assessment of influence of the innovative development asymmetry on functioning of the industrial enterprise. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, (6), 162–167. DOI:
Sayed, R. (2023). Strategic integration of business analytics in innovation management: Framework for sustainable growth. Futurity of Social Sciences, 1(1), 51–66. DOI:
Gorgoni, S., et al. (2018). Networks of international trade and investment [Hardback]. Vernon Press. Available at:
Pascalau, S. V. (2020). Evolution and ethics of digital technology in marketing. Agora International Journal of Economical Sciences, 11. DOI:
Verbivska, L., Zhuk, O., Ievsieieva, O., Kuchmiiova, T., & Saienko, V. (2023). The role of e-commerce in stimulating innovative business development in the conditions of European integration. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 3(50), 330–340. DOI:
Ikeda, Y., Iyetomi, H., & Mizuno, T. (2022). Big data analysis on global community formation and isolation: Sustainability and flow of commodities, money, and humans. Springer. Available at:
Tsounin, N., & Vlachvei, A. (n.d.). Advances in cross-section data methods in applied economic research. Springer Nature. Available at:
Sanakuiev, M. (2022). The value of knowledge in the age of globalization challenges: Philosophical and intellectual context. Futurity Philosophy, 42–54. DOI:
Suprunenko, S., et al. (2024). Analysis of the impact of globalization trends in the digital economy on business management and administration systems of enterprises. Futurity Economics&Law, 131–147. DOI:
Shyshka, І., & Shalbayeva, S. (2023). Strategy selection of healthcare sector development and risk management of its implementation. Economics. Ecology. Socium, 7(3), 77–90. DOI:
Trachenko, L., et al. (2021). Optimization modeling of business processes of engineering service enterprises in the national economy. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, (4), 165–171. DOI:
Verbivska, L., et al. (2022). Regulatory policy of the entrepreneurship development as a dominant of economic security of the national economy. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 12(5), 543–552. DOI:
Yankovyi, V., Koval, V., Dudka, T., & Bykhovchenko, V. (2021). Statistical assessment of project economic priority in company's investment management. Revista Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología, 14(42), 85–105. DOI:
Zavidna, L., et al. (2019). Strategy of innovative development as an element to activate innovative activities of companies. Allied Business Academies, 18(4). Available at:
Reva, M., & Demchenko, Y. (2024). The role of online psychological testing in a learning process: The Ukrainian case. E-Learning Innovations Journal, 2(1), 23–40. DOI: