This article presents a study on the impact of optimizing the HR management system on work efficiency and job satisfaction. Various personnel management strategies were considered, such as the automation of routine processes, data analysis for decision-making, enhancing data security, system flexibility and mobility, as well as talent development and retention. The main goal of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of these strategies in practice and their impact on employee productivity and satisfaction. To achieve this goal, surveys were conducted among employees, observations of work processes were made, and results were analyzed. The study results showed that the use of specific personnel management strategies can positively affect work efficiency and productivity. Additionally, the article provides recommendations for optimizing HR management. These practical tips can help employees improve their HR management and achieve better results in their activities. Another aim of this article is to explore ways to optimize the HR management system using Workday as an example. By analyzing scientific research, theoretical approaches, and empirical data, we will attempt to identify which strategies and tools most contribute to achieving high productivity and job satisfaction. As a result of this article, readers will gain a deeper understanding of HR management optimization and practical advice for improving the efficiency of personnel management activities. Due to integration with other business systems, Workday provides a holistic approach to human resource management, which contributes to more efficient use of resources and increased overall company productivity. Workday’s security slogan is “Security is everyone’s responsibility,” from employees to clients, and everyone plays a crucial role in achieving security goals. Workday informs all participants about the importance of security, as security is primarily about trust in the company. Therefore, the company employs advanced methods to ensure data protection. As a result, companies can adapt more quickly to market changes, implement innovations, and achieve their business goals. Thus, the implementation of Workday not only improves HR management but also contributes to the overall success and long-term development of the company.
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What Is Workday Software & What Is It Used For? Forbes. 2023 URL: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/what-is-workday
Manuti A., de Palma P. D. A Critical Management Approach to the Digitilization of Organizations, Researchgate 2017, 88p. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321668257_Digital_HR_A_Critical_Management_Approach_to_the_Digitilization_of_Organizations
Bibi F., Ali N. The Role of Human Resource Analytics in Enhancing Employee Performance and Reducing Turnover Intention. 2023. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nadir-Ali-15/publication/383860132_The_Role_of_Human_Resource_Analytics_in_Enhancing_Employee_Performance_and_Reducing_Turnover_Intention/links/66dd8f9efa5e11512ca8e8af/The-Role-of-Human-Resource-Analytics-in-Enhancing-Employee-Performance-and-Reducing-Turnover-Intention.pdf
Verduyn M., Nemcova M. HR Technology Strategy: How HR Leaders Can Succeed. 2023. URL: https://www.aihr.com/blog/hr-technology-strategy/
Strada. Implement an authentication policy for Workday security. 2023. URL: https://stradaglobal.com/blog/implement-an-authentication-policy-workday-security/
Workday HCM Human Capital Management Software Review For 2024. People Managing People. 2024. URL: https://hbr.org/web/comm/workday/sponsored-archive/workday
Workday – Harvard Business Review. 2024. URL: https://hbr.org/web/comm/workday/sponsored-archive/workday
Workday HRIS software official web. 2024. URL: https://www.workday.com/
The Impact of HR Tech on Employee Engagement and Productivity. 2023. URL: https://www.hrvisionevent.com/content-hub/the-impact-of-hr-tech-on-employee-engagement-and-productivity/
The Future Of HR: Embracing Technology And Digital Transformation. 2023. URL: https://www.hrfuture.net/talent-management/technology/the-future-of-hr-embracing-technology-and-digital-transformation/
Bustamante M., Gandhi N. Human resources in the age of automation. McKinsey’s 2018 URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/the-organization-blog/human-resources-in-the-age-of-automation
Bonifacio R. The Role of Human Resource Management in Modern Organizations. 2024. URL: https://www.shiftbase.com/glossary/human-resource-management
HR Tech Confidence Check: On the edge of glory or complacency? 2023. URL: https://www.mercer.com/en-us/insights/people-strategy/hr-transformation/hr-tech-confidence-check-on-the-edge-of-glory-or-complacency/
PwC HR Tech Survey 2022. URL: https://www.pwc.com/us/en/tech-effect/cloud/hr-tech-survey.html

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