One of the main components of the financial sector is the stock market, and without its development, it will not be possible to ensure sustainable growth of the national economy. Further integration of Ukraine into the world economy requires the implementation of international standards of stock market regulation. Currently, stock markets occupy an important place in the modern economy of the developed countries of the world. The stock market characterizes a complex structured system, which is an important lever for ensuring the effective functioning and development of the country's economy in general. Special attention is paid to the activities of the stock markets, which are positioned as organizers of exchange trade. Given that most Ukrainian enterprises have limited self-financing capabilities and insufficient external sources of investment resources, the development of economic financing through the wide use of securities market instruments is of primary importance. This is what determines the urgency of forming a competitive stock market adequate to market relations. In Ukraine, the stock market began to form relatively recently, after gaining independence, and because of this, it has many shortcomings and problems that need to be solved. Compared with the stock markets of developed countries, the Ukrainian stock market is less developed, therefore the study of modern conditions and features of the development of the stock market of Ukraine is quite relevant. Successful development of domestic stock the market needs structural changes and the implementation of specific measures to improve the activity and functioning of the stock market, namely, increasing liquidity, capitalization and market transparency, strengthening control over the activities of the stock market by the state, forming a single purposeful state strategy for the development of the stock market in Ukraine, improving the quality of providing services and customer service by stock exchanges, which will ensure an increase in the popularity and trust of citizens in the stock market of Ukraine in general.
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