Keywords: marketing activity, bank, advertising and marketing expenses, profit after tax, customer funds, correlation-regression analysis, digitalization


In the conditions of digitization, marketing in the banking sector of Ukraine acquires special significance as a means of achieving competitive advantages and building customer trust. The article examines the assessment of the marketing activities of Ukrainian banks in the context of digitalization, which significantly transforms traditional business models and methods of interaction with clients. The growing role of digital technologies, in particular social networks, mobile applications and online services, makes it necessary to adapt banking strategies in the field of marketing. The author analyses the correlation between advertising and marketing expenses and key financial indicators of banks, such as profit after tax, customer funds and total revenues. Regression analysis was used to determine the impact of marketing investments on the performance of banks. Advertising and marketing expenditures were found to have a significant and positive impact on all banking indicators studied, including profit after tax, customer funds, and total revenues. High values of correlation and determination coefficients for customer funds and bank income indicate a greater influence of marketing expenses on these indicators compared to profit. However, the elasticity is less than 1 in all cases, which indicates that advertising and marketing expenditures have a limited return for each of the indicators, although they provide a positive effect. The high significance of the regression models, confirmed by the Fisher test, indicates the reliability of the obtained results. The coefficients of determination also demonstrate that the share of variation in the dependent indicators explained by marketing costs is significant, especially for customer funds and bank revenues. The results of the study confirmed the importance of effective management of marketing budgets of banks. The results of the study confirm that the adaptation of marketing strategies to the new realities of digitalization is critically important for ensuring the competitiveness of banks in Ukraine, which emphasizes the relevance of the topic for further study.


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How to Cite
Hrabovych, I. (2024). EVALUATION OF THE MARKETING ACTIVITIES OF UKRAINIAN BANKS IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION. Economy and Society, (67). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-67-116