The article is devoted to the problems of the development of organic dairy farming in Ukraine. It has been established that the growth of consumer demand for environmentally friendly products is accompanied by the growth of interest in dairy producers, their relationship with the environment and the supply of healthy dairy products on the dairy market. In this regard, control over the use of chemicals to increase milk productivity is being strengthened. Marketing techniques are used to inform the public that environmentally safe dairy products can be produced by eliminating chemicals and additives and using environmentally safe organic fertilizers in feed production. It is worth noting that the post-war period of the recovery of the agricultural economy was characterized by the process of diversification of the production and economic activities of agricultural entities from the cultivation of grain crops and sunflowers to the production of livestock products, especially dairy cattle breeding. The leading role here will probably be played by small agricultural enterprises formed on the basis of highly productive personal peasant farms. Under the condition of a balanced state policy, the categories mentioned above, that is, individual peasant farms, can become the basis for the formation of small forms of management (producers of organic dairy products) in the agribusiness sector. It is established that in order for the supply chain of organic milk from the producer to the end consumer to function effectively, the following problems must be solved. Analysis of the organic milk production system from technical, economic, social, ecological and regional aspects; review and geographic linking of suppliers of raw materials, processors and sales channels of organic dairy products; study of national consumer profiles and consumption trends of organic dairy products; collection of strategic and regional information on organic dairy products and groupings. These features of organic production can seem like serious obstacles for farmers who decide to switch to organic farming. In general, organic animal husbandry is a management system in which food production develops in balance with the laws and mechanisms of nature, taking into account the natural needs of animals. Therefore, in order for organic production to work well, the management of enterprises that make the transition to "organic" must not only understand the mechanisms of pricing and the situation on the organic market, but also know aspects of the etiology of animal diseases, have a good understanding of physiology, feeding, veterinary medicine and construction. At the same time, they should get a lot of information about crop production, especially about cultivation, weed control and tillage, and also know and take into account the ecological situation in the countryside.
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