The article deals with the substantive essence of the concepts of "innovative technology" and "transfer of innovative technologies". The transfer of innovative technologies is considered as a process of transferring, on a commercial or free of charge basis, the results of intellectual labor expressed in new or improved tangible or intangible objects. It is noted that from an economic point of view, technology should be considered not only a machine or a computer, but also everything that helps to improve the production process, from product formulation to employee training. The concept of "technology" is considered as a clearly defined sequence of actions embodied in a particular object or process with the aim of transforming input elements into output elements. Innovative technologies are technologies that are new or improved as a result of the application of intellectual labor. It is noted that the mechanism of transfer of innovative technologies includes an established, on the basis of an agreement, interaction between its owner and the buyer regarding the transfer of technology. The results of the study made it possible to identify the stages of the process of searching for and selecting innovative technologies and their suppliers to achieve the transfer goal. The article also provides a classification of the main types of innovative technology transfer: by the content of agreements between the technology owner and its customer, by the method of transfer, by the monetary component, by the nature of the relationship, by the intended purpose, by the innovativeness of the transferred technologies. The functions of technology transfer centers, which are intermediaries in establishing interaction between the consumer and the owner of innovative technologies regarding their transfer, are considered. These centers help to establish contact between technology transfer entities, collect up-to-date data on the technology transfer market, create a database of technology suppliers and consumers, assist in documenting intellectual property rights to a particular technology, and create conditions for commercializing research and development of scientific institutions.
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