The research examines how warfare, specifically the full-scale military conflict in Ukraine, affects the capacity of regions to adapt to and recover from climate change impacts. This is a relevant issue as warfare represents one of the most destructive human activities, leading to severe environmental, economic, and social consequences in the affected areas. The study’s primary goal is to evaluate the effects of full-scale hostilities on the environmental resilience of territories to climate variations. This investigation is crucial for Ukraine due to several reasons. First, it enables an assessment of the overall ecological state in regions impacted by warfare. The extensive military actions have led to the destruction of critical infrastructure, including water supply systems, energy facilities, and vital installations like dams, which are essential for adapting to climate change. An analysis of the environmental and economic aspects affected by military activities can help in designing comprehensive restoration programs that address both ecological and socio-economic factors. The research employs a multidisciplinary approach to analyze the direct and indirect impacts of full-scale hostilities on the environment. It combines field data collection, satellite imagery analysis, and modeling to assess changes in soil quality, water resources, air pollution, and biodiversity loss. The study also includes a quantitative evaluation of damage to ecosystems and estimates the economic costs of restoring affected regions. By examining the consequences of military actions, the study highlights the increased vulnerability of regions to extreme weather events, such as floods, wildfires, and storms, that are exacerbated by climate change. The practical value of this research lies in its potential to inform policy-making and recovery planning in post-war scenarios. It emphasizes the need for sustainable restoration strategies that take into account both immediate and long-term environmental impacts. Furthermore, the study can serve as a basis for international cooperation in environmental monitoring and the prosecution of war-related ecological crimes.
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