This topic covers two important aspects of modern management: the use of innovation as a key factor in the organization's development and the role of information technology in increasing management efficiency. It allows you to study the impact of new technologies on management processes, consider how innovations can contribute to the achievement of the company's strategic goals, and increase its competitiveness through the optimization of business processes. In today's conditions of global digitalization, information technologies play a key role in the process of strategic management of innovations in organizations. The use of IT solutions allows to increase the efficiency of planning, coordination and control of innovative projects, and also provides flexibility in making management decisions. Information technologies contribute to the reduction of risks in the implementation of innovative strategies and improve the organization's ability to quickly adapt to changes in market conditions. Particular attention is paid to such tools as project management systems, data analytics, cloud technologies and artificial intelligence, which allow creating effective innovation ecosystems, integrating all stages of innovation process management. This topic examines the main approaches to the implementation of information technologies in the strategic management of innovations, as well as their impact on achieving competitive advantages and long-term development of organizations. The role of information technologies (IT) in modern organizations has expanded significantly, becoming a key factor in the strategic management of innovation. This research focuses on how IT solutions support and enhance innovation processes within organizations. By leveraging advanced IT systems, companies can streamline operations, optimize decision-making processes, and create a more agile environment that fosters innovation. The study also explores the integration of IT tools into strategic management practices, highlighting their impact on innovation efficiency, organizational adaptability, and competitiveness. The effective use of IT allows organizations to predict trends, manage risks, and create sustainable growth through continuous innovation.
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