Keywords: small business, product, monitoring, consumer, market, production, economy


The article examines the key aspects of external monitoring of small businesses in the field of production and sale of consumer goods. The role of external monitoring as a tool for assessing the performance of small enterprises, their competitiveness and impact on the domestic market is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to methods of data collection, analysis of market trends, and assessment of the impact of external factors, such as economic instability and changing consumer preferences. The work also considers the possibilities of improving the monitoring system through the introduction of digital technologies and cooperation with state regulators. The results of the study help to determine effective strategies for the development of small businesses in the conditions of a constantly changing consumer goods market. The study of the peculiarities of external monitoring of small businesses in the field of consumer goods is relevant due to the need to adapt business to changes in the external environment, increase competitiveness and ensure sustainable development. Small business in the field of consumer goods faces increased dependence on external factors: economic, political, technological and social. External monitoring allows timely response to changes in market conditions, in particular changes in demand, competitors' innovations, legislative requirements. The specifics of this industry require constant monitoring of changes in consumer preferences, new trends, as well as analysis of competitors' pricing policies. In addition, it is worth taking into account the seasonality of demand for various categories of goods, which has an impact on production and inventory planning. The use of digital technologies and analytical platforms significantly simplifies the process of monitoring markets and consumer behavior. For small businesses, this can be especially beneficial, as it allows you to reduce the cost of market research, increasing the accuracy and speed of obtaining data. Thus, external monitoring is an important tool for small businesses in the field of consumer goods, as it allows you to adapt to dynamic changes in the market, ensure the growth and development of the enterprise. The use of modern technologies and analytical methods greatly facilitates this process, reducing costs and increasing the effectiveness of management.


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How to Cite
Kotvytska, N., Oryabynskyi, A., & Parankevich, M. (2024). FEATURES OF EXTERNAL MONITORING OF SMALL ENTERPRISES IN THE CONTEXT OF CONSUMER GOODS. Economy and Society, (67). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-67-90