The article examines the role of the consultant as a key figure in the activities of international consulting firms, focusing on their functions, responsibilities, and significance for successful business operations. The main stages of the consulting process are analyzed, including diagnosing the client's problems, developing and implementing recommendations, and assessing the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. It was found that the first stage is the diagnosis of the client's problems, which involves a comprehensive analysis of the organization's current situation, identifying the causes of existing issues, and understanding the client's needs. The next stage is the development of recommendations based on the data obtained during the diagnosis. Consultants formulate strategic solutions, which may include business process optimization, management structure improvements, development of new products or services, and staff training. An important aspect of this stage is engaging key stakeholders to discuss and approve the proposed changes. After the recommendations are developed, the implementation phase follows, during which consultants work closely with the client to execute the proposed changes. This may include training, team coordination, progress monitoring, and providing support during the adaptation to new conditions. The importance of the consultant's professional skills, knowledge, and experience in delivering quality services that contribute to the development and optimization of client organizations is highlighted. Special attention is paid to the consultants' ability to adapt to a dynamic and globalized market environment, as well as their role in making strategic decisions and implementing innovations. Examples of successful collaboration between international consulting firms and clients in various industries are presented, emphasizing the significance of consultants in enhancing competitiveness and business development on a global level. The article concludes by stressing that the professional activities of consultants are an integral part of the success of international consulting companies and their clients in the modern world.
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