Keywords: logistics potential, region, components of logistics potential, qualitative evaluation criteria’s, quantitative evaluation criteria’s, integral index of logistics potential


The paper deals with the systematization of estimation methodology of region’s logistics potential. It was determined that the effective logistics management of the region requires comprehensive research of this term’s essence. So, in paper was provided a generalization of the defined term and the author's vision for it are given. Special emphasis is placed on the generalization of qualitative and quantitative criteria for estimation methodology of region’s logistics potential. The need to develop methodological principles for qualitative assessment of logistics potential is emphasized. The analysis of the latest publications shows that the existing methodological approaches to the estimation of region’s logistics potential in general are based, on expert assessments, which causes a high level of their subjectivity. So, for now, scientists have not developed a unified approach to understanding the estimation of region’s logistics potential, the factors that determine it, as well as estimation methods. Solving these issues is especially relevant in the modern global conditions of reforming the content, systems and mechanisms of the state regional policy. Therefore, the paper’s main aim is to systematize methodical approaches to the estimation of region’s logistics potential and generalize the qualitative and quantitative criteria for it. Also in paper are defined the stages of the region development’ degree complex analysis, on the basis of it the regional authorities can further develop an organizational and economic mechanism for strengthening the logistics potential. The methodology for calculating the integral index of the development of region’s logistics potential is provided. Prospects for further research aimed at the logistics potential’s estimation of the Danube region have been identified, as this region is the basis for the stable development of Ukraine's economy. The developed logistics potential of the Danube region based on the provided estimation’s methodology will give the Ukraine every reason to claim the place of a regional sea transit logistics center.


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How to Cite
Verbytskyi, V. (2024). THE CRITERIA FOR ESTIMATION OF REGION’S LOGISTICS POTENCIAL. Economy and Society, (68).