Keywords: circular economy, business models, sustainable development, project activities, competitiveness


The article examines project activities aimed at implementing circular business models to ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises on the principles of sustainable development. The main challenges and opportunities for Ukraine in the context of enhancing the competitiveness of the national economy are considered, particularly through the application of innovative circular business models. The necessary systemic changes, encompassing legislative initiatives, technical, financial, and societal aspects, are analyzed to achieve an effective transition to a circular economy. Project activities for implementing circular models require a comprehensive approach: from developing a regulatory framework to introducing new technologies, financial support, setting new standards, and adapting society to changing consumption habits. The article identifies five key circular business models relevant for improving the competitiveness and efficiency of Ukrainian enterprises: circular supply chains, resource recovery, product as a service, product life extension, and design for the future. Particular attention is paid to the product life extension model, which focuses on restoring products and extending their use through repair, modernization, or remarketing, allowing enterprises to retain economic value over a long period. Implementing circular business models through project activities provides an opportunity to enhance economic resilience, resource efficiency, and enterprise adaptation to changing global market conditions. It is emphasized that a project-based approach is a key tool for systematically integrating circular business models, as it allows for structuring the implementation process from diagnosing current business processes to scaling successful practices. The creation of new platforms for interaction between producers and consumers, as well as financial support for innovative solutions, should form the foundation for the successful implementation of a circular economy in Ukraine. The adoption of circular business models not only enhances resource efficiency but also encourages innovation and collaboration across industries. By leveraging these models, Ukrainian enterprises can create new value chains, foster sustainable growth, and strengthen their position in the international market.


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