Various approaches to understanding the essence and meaningful characteristics of the concept of "economic security" have been formed and proposed in the scientific literature, which require systematization and selection of the most expedient ones for application in the practical activity of the enterprise. The purpose of the article was to characterize the concepts of "economic security" at different levels and to systematize scientific approaches to its definition. The economic security of the enterprise is generally understood in the following aspects: 1) as the protection of its technological, production and personnel, scientific and technical potential from direct (active), indirect (passive) types of threats; 2) as a state of protection of the company's interests from the negative impact of external and internal financial threats; 3) as the most effective way of using its resources, expressed in positive values of financial and economic indicators of activity, which ensures its stable development in the short-term and long-term perspective; 4) as a state of the economic system in which it is capable of development and has the resources and opportunities to counteract existing and potential risks, threats and dangers; 5) as characteristics and properties of a system capable of self-organization, self-development, that is, it is a state in which economic parameters allow preserving its main properties: balance and stability while minimizing threats. During the analysis of the concepts of "economic security of the enterprise", the following common features were highlighted: a sign of the need for protection against various types of threats; a sign of efficiency in the use of potential, enterprise resources and market opportunities; the objective necessity of ensuring the stable functioning and development of business entities. Among the main functions of economic security are protective, regulatory, innovative, social, and preventive. To characterize the concepts of economic security, the following most common approaches are used: resource-functional, system and complex, strategic, market.
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