The article is devoted to artificial intelligence, which is entering our lives, building a bridge between information technology and artificial intelligence. The current level of technology development involving the use of artificial intelligence to facilitate people's work, namely in the banking sector, is studied. It is determined that innovative technologies open up new horizons for the development of the banking system. A special role is played by artificial intelligence, which radically transforms approaches to customer service, data analysis, and risk assessment. It is established that the use of AI in banks begins at the stage of communication with customers. Chatbots as virtual assistants help to solve typical customer questions, provide online consultations, and automate the processes of financial planning and selection of investment products. The author analyses that at the level of analytics, AI is used to segment the customer base, model business processes, and forecast demand for services, and with the help of neural networks, banks can quickly process huge amounts of data and find hidden patterns. It has been established that AI plays an important role in cybersecurity and fraud prevention. Sophisticated machine learning algorithms allow for real-time detection of suspicious activity, blocking unauthorised transactions, and preventing confidential data leakage. Examples of companies that help with cybersecurity for large financial institutions using artificial intelligence and companies that use AI in lending are provided. The article highlights the possibilities of AI in automating credit scoring. With the help of intelligent analysis of data on borrowers (their financial condition, credit history, socio-demographic characteristics), it is possible to assess creditworthiness and risks much more accurately. The author proposes directions for the use of artificial intelligence technologies in banks and presents the consequences of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the banking sector.The conditions for further introduction of artificial intelligence into the global banking system are determined: modernisation of outdated systems and development of mobile applications.
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